Aphrodite has revealed to us that the Divine (“God/Goddess/All-That-Is”) is both immanent (here in our bodies) and transcendent (beyond our bodies yet palpably present around us). It is our calling to focus on ourselves and each of you as Deity. The Divine is present in the physical world and in each of us.
Please check out our Upcoming Temple Dates for more info.
We are a small intimate community of practitioners who conduct regular workshops/events in and around the Cascadia bioregion of North America.* If you are interested in receiving a private invitation to our next Temple event, or enlisting us to help you plan an event of your own, please sign up on our newsletter form below. You can request a private screening call for future Temple events by emailing llraphroditetemple@gmail.com.

* From an essay by Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi, Golden Waves & Priestess Bodies: Establishing a Queer-Centric Poly-Normative Aphrodite Cultus in Cascadia, in the book Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries, edited by Lee Harrington and Tai Fenix Kulystin:
Cascadia Bioregion – Bioregions are defined through the ecological aspects of a land base such as watersheds (hydrology boundaries) and mountain ranges or deserts. For me it is part of a radical EcoFeminist perspective to name the place that I live after its bioregion rather than by the state names that were assigned to this land after it was taken from the indigenous peoples that lived here long before colonization
The term Cascadia first came to my attention when reading the utopian novel Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach. Bates McKee “Cascadia: The Geologic Evolution of the Pacific Northwest,” published in 1972, was the first book title to use the word, while David McClosky, founder of the Cascadian Institute, was the first to fully map the Cascadian Bioregion and apply the name. http://cascadia-institute.org/ …
The Cascadian Flag was created in 1994-95 by Portlander Alexander Baretich who maintains the website http://freecascadia.org/ where more history and free classes on Cascadia can be explored.